Special anchors

Special anchors with a reduced mass, authorised by competent authorities according to Article 13.01(5) are listed in the following table.

Anchor nr.
Anchor name / Type
Accepted reduction of the anchormass (%)
Competent authority
1 HA-DU 30 % DE
2 D’Hone Spezial 30 % DE
3 Pool 1 (hol) 35 % DE
4 Pool 2 (massief) 40 % DE
5 De Biesbosch-Danforth 50 % DE
6 Vicinay-Danforth 50 % FR
7 Vicinay AC 14 25 % FR
8 Vicinay Typ 1 45 % FR
9 Vicinay Typ 2 45 % FR
10 Vicinay Typ 3 40 % FR
11 Stockes 35 % FR
12 D’Hone-Danforth 50 % DE
13 Schmitt high holding anchor 40 % NL
14 SHI high holding anchor, type ST (standard) 30 % NL
15 SHI high holding anchor, type FB (fully balanced) 30 % NL
16 Klinsmann anchor 30 % NL
17 HA-DU-POWER anchor 50 % DE
18 HYT-12 HHP anchor 40 % NL

Only competent authorities are allowed to submit a request to add or change anchor’s data on this website.
To add a new special anchor the manufacturer, or supplier on behalf of the manufacturer, must follow the authorisation and test procedure described in ES-TRIN, ESI-II-9.